
Roma Babuniak
Foto: Alex Heck

Roma Babuniak, a professional artist,  has established an international reputation for her exquisite and complex compositions. She has a B.A.(Hons) in fine art and as well as being awarded international awards and plaudits, she has a following of private and public, international collectors:

Kyoto Museum of Modern Art in Japan; the Victoria and Albert Museum, London and the National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh; Gonzalez Marti Museum, Valencia and the museums of Manises and L’Alcora in Spain; Landesmuseum of Graz in Austria; Museum Faenza in Italy; Museum of Varazdin in Croatia; the Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlung and the Neue Sammlung in Munich are just some of the public collections associated with her work.

The work is minimalist, disciplined and reserved.

Photographs and drawings of suburban landscapes are superimposed and the subject matter reduced to the essential characteristics.

This creates a selected pattern within architectural space.

The use and juxtaposition of apparently incongruous materials: perspex, porcelain, paper and wire creates tension within the harmony of the pattern.

A selective use of colour, if any, reiterates the importance of the play of light and shadow and how we notice, regard and observe an object.

We are asked to think and consider the actual act of seeing and view the work’s abstraction as both a sensation and a thought.